Three-week course on Raising Happier Tweens

For parents of children aged 9-13

Would you like to:

  • Better understand what drives your child’s behaviour?
  • Respond to their emotions and behaviour in an effective way that builds their well-being?
  • Address difficult behaviour with calm, loving limits?
  • Use play and playfulness to build your bond with your child and to deal with difficulties?
  • Feel more supported as a parent and less along in the hard work of parenting?
  • Understand your own emotions and reactions better?
  • Have concrete ways to build your connection with your child?
  • Know how to increase well-being, joy and cooperation in your family?
  • Know how to deal with specific issues you are struggling with such as sibling rivalry, separation anxiety, aggression, sleep difficulties, parent stress etc?

We will focus on:

  • Your tweens changing needs and your changing role
  • Five Listening tools that build and repair connection
  • The growing challenges faced by tweens
  • How to bring healthy limits
  • Ways to meet challenges like Homework and Screen Time
  • And building strong support for yourself and your parenting

Please contact me for a free-of-charge chat to find out more.

Come and join a friendly and nourishing small group course in September. We will be meeting online for three weeks where we will explore practical and emotionally intelligent practices to both build your connection with your child and address difficult behavioural and emotional challenges.

The course is based on Hand in Hand Parenting which is an evidence-based approach to parenting informed by the insights and research around attachment and authoritative/assertive parenting (as opposed to authoritarian or permissive). Both connection-based and authoritative parenting are associated with the best outcomes for children.

It is an approach which is tailored to your own unique child and family.

There is an online classroom included with extensive and high-quality videos and materials to read. You will have access to this online classroom for life. This is included in the price of the course.

More info on the online classroom is available at:

The course will take place fortnightly to give you a chance to look at the online classroom in between each session. Teaching will also take place in the session if you don’t manage to look at the materials in between.

The course will be a small group.

The cost will be: £180 (including the online classroom) Some concessions may be available, so please do ask. Once the course ends, there will be the option for ongoing input around specific themes and going into greater depth.

Course dates

  • Friday 13th September 9.30-11am or 1-2.30pm (UK time)
  • Friday 27th September 9.30-11am or 1 -2.30pm (UK time)
  • Friday 11th October 9.30-11am or 1-2.30pm (UK time)

There may be flexibility on days and time so do let me know what suits you.

For a free-of-charge chat and to book, please contact me.

Here’s what a couple of previous participants said about my courses:

Kirsty has changed my family’s life! Since learning about Hand in Hand parenting on Kirsty’s course, I’ve completely changed my view and attitude to parenting. It’s still early days, but I now better understand that by building connection with my children, everyday struggles are beginning to diminish and there is growing harmony in our home. Kirsty is so calm, confident and warm, I feel like I could tell her anything without judgement. Kirsty shared her own examples of parenting struggles which were really helpful. She’s been through it all and her genuine love and belief in the Hand in Hand approach really shone through in her teaching. I’m sad the course has to end.
I had no previous knowledge of the Hand-in-Hand approach before discovering Kirsty. I now feel utterly grateful to her for bringing my awareness to this parenting approach. It’s impact for my family has been obvious and immediate, and I felt so supported by Kirsty and the group as I began to notice myself more and the ways in which I was interacting and reacting to my children’s behaviour. This course is the start of on-going change, my task now is to keep practising all the tools! I hope with regular practice they will become a more natural way of parenting to me. I know I can always reach out to Kirsty (and my listening partnership!) when I’m in need of support.